Grayson Markowitz swore Mayor Knight under oath to finish another term as Mayor through December 31st , 2028. He also swore in Councilman Knight to finish another term through December 31st , 2028, as well as Councilwoman Good to finish the term of late Councilman Layman through December 31st ,2026. Since Councilman Mauck was absent, he will be sworn in at the County Office building on a different date.
Nina Fox passed out a book “Page Valley Virgnia’’s Cabin Capital” to the council stating her Page Valley Tourist team put this together of all the different attractions Page County has to offer. They printed off 1,500 copies to put in Air BNB’s and lodges to keep tourists staying longer. This was an inspiration guide that was fully grant funded.
Mayor Knight asked if there was a way we could help get our Hawksbill Pool noticed and promoted to our community as well as tourists. Nina Fox addresses that with the video used with the TOT grant we will help promote the recreation park.
Rhonda Fisher, homecoming coordinator for the Homecoming Pageant, addressed to the Council that the prior Pageant Coordinators, HCN Pageantry, are planning their 2025 schedule for the year and need to know if they are doing it again.
Mrs. Fisher stated they helped with funding, fundraising, cleaning up the Fire Hall, communicated well, and showed Ms. Virginia around the Town. Overall, she was very pleased with everything they did. There were two complaints that were addressed that HCN Pageantry understood. Mayor Knight stated while we didn’t have someone up for the Pageantry, he asked another lady if she would, and she stated she could. Now he feels like he has already obligated her.
He stated she has been doing Pageants for years as well as hosting the Page Valley Pageantry. Councilman Knight addressed if it comes to a vote, he will abstain due to her being his relative. Councilman Knight asked the Mayor if she will be doing fundraising like HCN Pageantry did. Mayor stated he would ask. This topic was tabled and will be voted on at the next council meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Vice-Mayor Stoneberger started off the Treasurer’s report by asking what the charge for Hawksbill Diner for $120? Town Manager Pettit stated it was for Belle Blosser retirement dinner.
Clerk Atkins stated we will be receiving another $10,000 bill for well #7.
Councilwoman Good made a comment to continue watching unbudgeted spending because in the past two months about $6,000 was spent unbudgeted. Councilman Purdham requested a breakdown of the budget remaining balance for each month.
With no other questions a motion was made by Councilman Knight to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Pay Warrant, in the amount of $223,830.70 and the Loan Portfolio, seconded by Councilman Purdham. Passed Unanimously.
Manager’s Report
Councilman Knight stated he and Councilman Mauck met at Ed Good Park to help pick out the material and look of the digital sign with the TOT money. They picked out the stone like the chimney. Next step is to move forward with a price.
Town Manager Pettit stated he received two quotes for propane, one from Southern States at $1.75 the other one from Quarles at $1.65. The council suggested we continue getting propane from Quarles.
The renewal for Page Valley News is due to help with advertising and public notices. A motion was made by Councilman Purdham to approve the renewal with Page Valley News in the amount of $2,080 for the whole year, seconded by Councilman Knight.
The town is looking into installing another pole light at 1191 W. Main Street due to a lack of a pole light in this area.
Police Report
Chief Dean started off the police report by stating there were 347 calls for service, 7 citations, and 256 self-initiated calls.
So far, we have received all the grant money except the overtime grant.
Park and Recreation Report
Holtzman recommended not to put mini split units upstairs for heating and cooling. Due to the area they don’t feel like the mini splits would be very efficient unless we ran the duct work.
Councilman Knight suggested looking into grants for historic type buildings to help updates needing done at the pool.
Water/Sewer Report
After many corrections and attempts to send in the lead and copper project only one more correction needs to be made, and it will be finished.
Foreman Gaunt stated they need new tools for the new trucks, if it could be put in the budget. Town Manager Pettit stated he is still in the process with the DEQ to get the pool out of violation.
Closed Session
Councilman Knight made a motion at 9:38PM, seconded by Councilman Purdham that the Town Council Convene in a Closed meeting for personnel, under Section 2.2-3711(A) 1 of Code of Virginia, 1950 to discuss personal matters relating to officers, appointees or employees of the Town of Stanley and their assignment, appointment, performance, demotion, salary, discipline, or resignation.
Councilman Purdham made a motion to hire Caroline Nichols for the sewer plant position starting at $18.00 an hour with a contract 2-year contract starting on December 30th, seconded by Councilwoman Good.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Good to give full time employees a $500 Christmas bonus and $250 for active part time employees, seconded by Vice-Mayor Stoneberger.
Mayor Knight asked to adjourn the meeting at 10:55pm, a motion was made by Councilman Mauck and seconded by Councilman Knight.
Stanley Town Council meeting minutes are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Stanley Volunteer Fire Hall, 190 East Main Street. Start time: 7:30 p.m.
Meeting agendas and minutes may be viewed HERE. January, 2025 meeting minutes will be approved at the February meeting. As of 2/3/25, there are no agendas posted for the January or February meetings.